Tuesday 8 June 2010

Third week!!!

Well I am in to week three now - and have lost 10lbs so far! I was a bit disappointed that I only lost three pounds last week, but am telling myself this is silly, as loosing 3lbs in the second week of a diet is still great and, if I can keep it at that rate I will get the losses I want by the time we go to Hydra in August!

The hardest time I have had was last Sunday afternoon, when we went to Alice's God daughter, Emilia's Christening as there was lots of lovely food and a fabulous ( as Alice and others told me) Christening cake - chocolate - which you know I adore - but I didn't succumb.

My clothes are much more comfortable and I am still really into the diet. A friend of mine is doing the lemon detox diet- which sounds much harder as you can only do it for a week at a time, as it comprises of a liquid made up of maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper ( you can have a small amount of fruit) - it sounds less sustainable than then one I am on.

I am off to my brothers next weekend which will be hard going especially as he likes a drink ( boo hoo!!) and doesn't have a microwave, so it will be only soup and milkshakes for two days.

Will keep you posted on my progress again soon - but so far so good - not fallen off the wagon at all.

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