Sunday 23 May 2010

First blog about my diet!

This is the first blog of my diet story which I really hope will have a happy ending!

I am going to be really honest on this blog which I will do as often as I can, in order to help me reach the end of what will be a long road to travel.

For the last few years I have been yoyo dieting and now have reached a weight which I am very unhappy with, and which is beginning to affect my health - my blood pressure is up and my Doctor keeps telling me that I have to loose weight.

Alice and I are going back to the beautiful island of Hydra again this year at the beginning of August; I don't want to be the fattest bird on the beach again!

Anyway, I have tried lots of diets, most often - Weight Watchers which has always been successful, but this time I am going drastic ( instead of going large!!) and as two work colleagues have already tried this weight loss program very successfully, I am going to do 'All about W8'. This diet comprises meal replacements with shakes, and re-hydrated meals in very small proportions - and nothing else. It's going to be hard but the weight loss should be quite rapid. My aim is to do this until my holiday then come back and go back to Weight Watchers and a more sensible long term achievable regime.

So, when I have lost my weight, I will tell you what my start weight was, but until then I will tell you that I want to loose several stone!

So wish me luck tomorrow - MONDAY 24th MAY - when I start my diet and I'll be blogging again in the week to tell you how it's going and what it's like xxx


  1. No pie for you then when i'm home!! Good luck Mum, I know you can do it! xxxxx

  2. Go for it Mil - We know you can do it! Looking forward to seeing you at the Christening! xx
